!!!! THANK YOU !!!! Scott with BelieversUnderground
Information is Shock Resistance
Fatima Explained and an update on Earth Changes with Scott Owen - Episode 9
Pope 3/2 Daniel Timeline BUG 3/2213 Great Tribulation Starts. Proof. REPENT
sun quakes. the sun is a thorium liquid reactor. da. hahaha. My sons mom Birthday 3/2 My Birthday 3/22 world wide water day. and it's 62. 50 yrs. finished. I'll be 51. 3/21 sunset starts 3/22. sons Birthday 4/21 sunset is 4/22 earth day. he was born 3 days before Russias meltdown in 1986.
Daniels Timeline - Bible Prophecy of the Last Days
Missler - Signs in the Heavens - Pt 2
Super Bowl Power Outage Points to March 22, 2013
The Braker 3/22 Exploding Volcano's in ICELAND & Russia PGRE The Lord on the head of them!
3MIN News February 11, 2013: The Sun is Liquid?
Daniels Timeline - Bible Prophecy of the Last Days
Missler - Signs in the Heavens - Pt 2
Super Bowl Power Outage Points to March 22, 2013
The Braker 3/22 Exploding Volcano's in ICELAND & Russia PGRE The Lord on the head of them!
3MIN News February 11, 2013: The Sun is Liquid?
7.2 What is Love. In this dark World. deep vid. if you dare to care
send me a 3 by5 card. with your UY channel name, your name, address, and phone number. I would like to get organized. so when your area is hit. I can get some one to you. also helpers need. what skills do you got. Scott of the fam Owen P.O. Box 657 Goshen Ca. 93227. or Pine Recovery Center C/O Scott of the Fam. Owen believersunderground 120 west School St. Visalia Ca. 93291
Mission and 1st meeting of bug. Information is shock Resistance
Published on Dec 24, 2012
What you should know. we have 20k in med. stuff set up. and way more. first meeting when off today. I will be giving classes and more. open letter to the USGS and any helpers. Love Scott Y, Steve & Scott (BUG) BDS CAS
Your mind is your weapon. Suspicious0bservers
National Geographic - Seconds From Disaster - Asian Tsunami
Meltdowns Coming 100% Real 2010 Radio! Post Glacial Rebound Effect
Imminent Destruction of Earth Is Now Washing D. C. 2030 Report NASA dropped it to 2020 report
(Part 1/3/) Our Universe in Perspective: Scott Owen Talks Earth Changes on Bob T
Thrust Faulting on the Moon - Center for Earth and Planetary Studies
Information Is Shock Resistance - Thank You Scott with ...
What you should know. we have 20k in med. stuff set up. and way more. first meeting when off today. I will be giving classes and more. open letter to the USGS and any helpers. Love Scott Y, Steve & Scott (BUG) BDS CAS
Your mind is your weapon. Suspicious0bservers
National Geographic - Seconds From Disaster - Asian Tsunami
Meltdowns Coming 100% Real 2010 Radio! Post Glacial Rebound Effect
Imminent Destruction of Earth Is Now Washing D. C. 2030 Report NASA dropped it to 2020 report
(Part 1/3/) Our Universe in Perspective: Scott Owen Talks Earth Changes on Bob T
Thrust Faulting on the Moon - Center for Earth and Planetary Studies
Information Is Shock Resistance - Thank You Scott with ...
Ocean Sinking. Indian Ocean Plate Broke. plus more info. http://youtu.be/EyPiqRNjiDk
Meltdowns Coming 100% Real 2010 Radio! Post Glacial Rebound Effect http://youtu.be/EMtVPn2g5h0
Google Search: Post Glacial Rebound
Richard Guy http://information-machine.blogspot.com/2011/03/unexplained-richard-guy-earth-expansion.html
Global Strategic Survival Solutions http://gssurvivalsolutions.com
Meltdowns Coming 100% Real 2010 Radio! Post Glacial Rebound Effect http://youtu.be/EMtVPn2g5h0
Google Search: Post Glacial Rebound
Richard Guy http://information-machine.blogspot.com/2011/03/unexplained-richard-guy-earth-expansion.html
Global Strategic Survival Solutions http://gssurvivalsolutions.com
700,000 Fukushima Kids. AA NA group consus BUGS Rev.9 http://youtu.be/S7yJzHyGGYE
7.3 Pope Benedict XVI & 911 Survivors. White Robe Washing. link in vid. 100% must here http://youtu.be/SasfxFNBnzQ
7.2 What is Love. In this dark World. Earthquakes. Ice Age UK coming too. http://youtu.be/vfn-zpFVLSM7.1 Why Fiscal Cliff Religion 2013 ENRON never left. Rev 12 vs 14 http://youtu.be/tKaNUxqFjDw
Mission and 1st meeting of bug. Information is shock Resistance http://youtu.be/foSlvV5M9VI
100% Right 2010 Radio! Post Glacial Rebound Effect EQ's Meltdown all http://youtu.be/EMtVPn2g5h0
OWEN The 6th Extinction. Ice Larger Than U.S. Melted This Year! 4.57 million square miles. Trailer. http://youtu.be/xV9nNbIyi90
Earth Moon Reset http://youtu.be/TZ5rG1aHEvs
Navy and Climate 13 sign 3/22 http://youtu.be/GpK-kVIhnOw
Earth Marker of 666. 322 Spring Forward. Don't you worry Child. http://youtu.be/xzvMH10EkpM
Pregnant Earth Agenda 21 http://youtu.be/4hs151eHPFs
EARTH is slowing and growing Post Glacial Rebound Effect http://youtu.be/XWmTBQRnLOw
7.3 Pope Benedict XVI & 911 Survivors. White Robe Washing. link in vid. 100% must here http://youtu.be/SasfxFNBnzQ
7.2 What is Love. In this dark World. Earthquakes. Ice Age UK coming too. http://youtu.be/vfn-zpFVLSM7.1 Why Fiscal Cliff Religion 2013 ENRON never left. Rev 12 vs 14 http://youtu.be/tKaNUxqFjDw
Mission and 1st meeting of bug. Information is shock Resistance http://youtu.be/foSlvV5M9VI
100% Right 2010 Radio! Post Glacial Rebound Effect EQ's Meltdown all http://youtu.be/EMtVPn2g5h0
OWEN The 6th Extinction. Ice Larger Than U.S. Melted This Year! 4.57 million square miles. Trailer. http://youtu.be/xV9nNbIyi90
Earth Moon Reset http://youtu.be/TZ5rG1aHEvs
Navy and Climate 13 sign 3/22 http://youtu.be/GpK-kVIhnOw
Earth Marker of 666. 322 Spring Forward. Don't you worry Child. http://youtu.be/xzvMH10EkpM
Pregnant Earth Agenda 21 http://youtu.be/4hs151eHPFs
EARTH is slowing and growing Post Glacial Rebound Effect http://youtu.be/XWmTBQRnLOw
To the Orgs. A heart to heart talk. Pastor Scott bug - http://youtu.be/29_pW99Y0bs
King of the Galaxy? 322, gold ,water & bugs ANTs Trip Out ufo date 322 too! - http://youtu.be/rWzoGAcomU8
King of the Galaxy? 322, gold ,water & bugs ANTs Trip Out ufo date 322 too! - http://youtu.be/rWzoGAcomU8