25 Best Ways to Detox From Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Environmental Pollutants, and Metabolic Waste
Posted by Mr. Wolfe
Posted by Mr. Wolfe
Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times
If you are endlessly tired, irritable, have trouble losing weight, or feel depressed, you might be suffering from the environmental onslaught of toxins being poured into our air, water and soil by greedy corporate monopolies.
If you aren’t sure whether you are suffering from toxic overload, you can at least be certain you are not immune to the toxic effects of environmental pollution like oil spills, fracking, chemtrails, nuclear energy (think Fukushima), or even the domestic production of war materials. Even every day items like shampoo and rug cleaners also contain thousands of chemicals that are deadly toxic in higher dosages.
From concern about BPAs to heavy metals, pesticide residues and GMO foods, its time to take an offensive, instead of defensive, view of our health. Here are more than two dozen ways to purify the body from these ill-imagined pollutants:
1. Support the liver and gallbladder with beetroot. Beets are a valuable source of iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium which all support healthy detoxification and better elimination. They are also full of B3, B6, C, and beta-catoene, important nutrients for supporting the liver and gallbladder in making bile acids which support detox.
2. Drink more purified water. Water is one of the most vital ways of self-purification on the planet. It helps every single cell get rid of waste and allows us to excrete toxins through our urine and bowels, as well as through our skin via sweat.
3. Bathe in Kaolin clay or use acalcium montmorillonite clay as they are considered the best for removing pesticides from the body.
4. Reduce your meat and dairy intake since these animals are often fed on GMO-rich diets.
5. Consume more pantethine, a biologically active form of the B5 vitamin, which can help open blockages created by pesticide consumption. When we are too clogged with pesticides our bodies cannot naturally detoxify themselves.
6. Use activated charcoal. It is very safe to consume up to 20-30 grams a day mixed with purified water. Activated charcoal binds to pesticides and other environmental toxins and then ushers them through the intestines to be purged form the body. You can also supplement with molasses after using activated charcoal just to be sure to replace important minerals the charcoal might leech from the body in the process of getting rid of the unwanted toxins.
7. Eat more citrus. Pectins in citrus are a very powerful detoxifying substance. Citrus naturally remove heavy metals without depleting the body of important trace minerals.
8. Create an alkaline state in he body by eating more organic fruits and vegetables that support multiple channels of detoxification in the body. They clean the liver, the bowels, the skin, the blood, etc.
9. Eat more fiber. When we eat fiber, the liver can more easily flush toxins through the digestive system and we take an immense load off an organ that is constantly trying to get rid of toxic substances from the body. High fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, potatoes (including their skin), etc.
10. Eat more grapefruit containing naringenin, a special flavanoid that helps the liver burn fat instead of storing toxins in our fat cells.
11. Eating garlic can help boost detoxification since it helps to boost the production of white blood cells, otherwise known as lymphocytes, an important part of the immune system as well.
12. Eating asparagus can educe the levels of pesticides in the body.
13. Eating organic, free-range eggs can also help to remove toxins from the body. They also boost energy levels.
14. Increasing your levels of vitamin C is so good for you, and detoxing the body that it was found this vitamin could help reduce levels of radiation exposure, even in people who were living near Fukushima.
15. Native Americans have been using sarsaparilla for hundreds of years in teas and tinctures as a way to effectively detox the blood. It also effectively treats liver, kidney and skin conditions.
16. Exercising and staying active is vital to keeping impurities out of the body. Just 30 minutes to an hour every day brings oxygen rich blood to the liver and kidneys, thus supporting them in detoxifying the body.
17. Eating brazil nuts, which are full of glutathione, a natural detoxifying substance, can help the body get rid of pesticides and other harmful toxins. Also, full of selenium, Brazil nuts help to create more glutathione. Sometimes called the mother of all antioxidants.
18. Our skin is one of the biggest organs of detoxification. It covers about 22 square feet and we replace skin cells every single day. Dry brushing is a great way to help support the skin in detoxing the body through sweat, bathing, etc. If our pores are clogged, the skin becomes less effective. Dry brushing also helps encourage lymph flow that helps to flush toxins from the body.
19. Take Milk Thistle. Sylibum marianum, also known as Milk thistle is a great support for the liver. Long with helping the body detox, this herb has been linked to reduction in certain cancers, reduced diabetes and even reduction digestive disorders.
20. Consume Essiac Tea, which cleanses the body and also has anti-cancer properties. This tea can help the body rid itself of pesticides used with GMOs, and ground-spraying including permethrin.
21. Eat your sea vegetables. Algin in seaweeds helps to absorb toxins form the digestive tract (in much the same way that water softener removes hardness from tap water) so they can be eliminated more easily. They also offer the largest range of vital trace minerals that can help to clean the blood.
22. Consuming dandelion greens and roots can help to detox the body due to their high levels of antioxidants but also help to support liver decongestion.
23. Use broccoli sprouts in your salads to ingest important substances that help with detoxification: sulphorophanes, indole-3-carbinol and D-glucarate. Sprouts also contain up to 20 times more sulfurophane than regular, full grown broccoli plants.
24. Eat flaxseed and flaxseed oil to help detox the body. This super food is full of fiber and Omega 3s, both important substances for detoxification.
25. Add turmeric to your recipes. This root is full of Curcumin, used often in Ayurvedic Medicine to treat liver and digestive disorders, and a great detoxing agent.
About the AuthorChristina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
Intensive recipes for detox/cleanses...
Excerpt from www.staningerreport.com/ihsblog.html?bp_id=3117071819147668144
Foods and medicines that have been recommended again and again for helping detox, and show up in many commercial products for this purpose, include:
Chlorella, Spirulina, Garlic, Onions, Nutritional Yeast, Aloe Vera. Ginkgo Biloba, Cucurmin from turmeric, Miso, Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea Extract, and Grape Seed Extract. Any of these are very good additions to your detox protocol if they are available to you.
Dr. Staninger makes the point that if you are going to radically change your diet for a time from a modern mainstream processed food diet towards a 75% raw foods diet, you have to make it fun! That is, you have to make the foods taste interesting. I noticed I can eat only so many fresh vegetables, but if I make a homemade peanut sauce as a dip, I enjoy them a lot more. So if you can use your spices and sauces and creativity to make these foods delicious, you’ll have an easier time allowing this experience into your life.
Dr. Staninger also advises that in addition to a colon cleanse, it is a good idea to flush the gall bladder as well, to clean out any sludge. She says you do a gall bladder cleanse simply by mixing one half cup of pure virgin olive oil with the juice of three lemons, and taking this internally. You don’t have to gulp it down, but the idea is to get that into your body in a relatively short time, over a few hours at most. If there is a sludge buildup, this will encourage it to break up and evacuate. Dr. Staninger reported that many individuals pass gall stones from this simple gall bladder cleanse.
Dr. Hildy’s Cellular Tonic Recipe
Cook together in a small pot for one minute then add the following ingredients:
(Note : Olive oil will harden in the refrigerator. When you take it out leave it to warm on the counter at room temperature, then shake and pour your tablespoon. This tonic has been known to increase muscle strength, skin texture, and build muscles. It was used by the Mohawk Wrestling Team of Kahn:awake – Mohawk Territory.)
Dr. Hildy’s Detox Soup Recipe
Dr. Hildy’s “Monkey Juice”
MONKEY JUICE (a cellular flush formula)
Blend together:
Chop up celery, cilantro, lime, put in blender.
Add other ingredients
Blend, strain and pour over ice. Drink once daily.
(Caution—You need a sturdy blender to chop up lime skin. It is easier, if you chop the lime into small pieces or only blend a little at a time.)
from... www.staningerreport.com/ihsblog.html?bp_id=3117071819147668144
some notes from me...
Chlorella to Aid in Cleanse
Some detoxes/cleanses have the affect of releasing too many toxins for the body to eliminate. These toxins can be reabsorbed in the lumen/small intestine and remain in the body. There is a practice of using chlorella to counteract this process of reabsorbtion. Chlorella can be taken 30 minutes before the use of toxin releasing cleanses or detox recipes. That will bind to the toxins that the body can not eliminate even though they are released. Dr Klinghardt is a big advocate of using chlorella. He recommends this in addition to cilantro, edta or other toxin releasing chelators. Here are some other suggestions to aid in detoxing and cleansing.
Cilantro as a Natural Chelator
Here is one more recipe for using cilantro. Remember to also use chlorella as described above.
It really does taste great and freezes well (if you make a large amount).
Remember... use organic as conventionally grown cilantro has MANY pesticides (one study found 27).
Use a food processor or blender to process the cilantro to a paste. Slowly add the other ingredients and process until smooth. Add more oil or water to blend if needed. If so remember to use the 3:1 ratio of lemon juice to olive oil. This pesto will freeze well for later use so consider making large batches.
Note: Most health food grocers and online suppliers now have nut butters for sell. These include almond butter, cashew butter and macadamia nut butter. It is also easy to make a nut butter with a food processor or a masticating juicer. Simply soak the raw nuts in filtered water overnight. Rinse and process in the machine.
Waking Times
If you are endlessly tired, irritable, have trouble losing weight, or feel depressed, you might be suffering from the environmental onslaught of toxins being poured into our air, water and soil by greedy corporate monopolies.
If you aren’t sure whether you are suffering from toxic overload, you can at least be certain you are not immune to the toxic effects of environmental pollution like oil spills, fracking, chemtrails, nuclear energy (think Fukushima), or even the domestic production of war materials. Even every day items like shampoo and rug cleaners also contain thousands of chemicals that are deadly toxic in higher dosages.
From concern about BPAs to heavy metals, pesticide residues and GMO foods, its time to take an offensive, instead of defensive, view of our health. Here are more than two dozen ways to purify the body from these ill-imagined pollutants:
1. Support the liver and gallbladder with beetroot. Beets are a valuable source of iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium which all support healthy detoxification and better elimination. They are also full of B3, B6, C, and beta-catoene, important nutrients for supporting the liver and gallbladder in making bile acids which support detox.
2. Drink more purified water. Water is one of the most vital ways of self-purification on the planet. It helps every single cell get rid of waste and allows us to excrete toxins through our urine and bowels, as well as through our skin via sweat.
3. Bathe in Kaolin clay or use acalcium montmorillonite clay as they are considered the best for removing pesticides from the body.
4. Reduce your meat and dairy intake since these animals are often fed on GMO-rich diets.
5. Consume more pantethine, a biologically active form of the B5 vitamin, which can help open blockages created by pesticide consumption. When we are too clogged with pesticides our bodies cannot naturally detoxify themselves.
6. Use activated charcoal. It is very safe to consume up to 20-30 grams a day mixed with purified water. Activated charcoal binds to pesticides and other environmental toxins and then ushers them through the intestines to be purged form the body. You can also supplement with molasses after using activated charcoal just to be sure to replace important minerals the charcoal might leech from the body in the process of getting rid of the unwanted toxins.
7. Eat more citrus. Pectins in citrus are a very powerful detoxifying substance. Citrus naturally remove heavy metals without depleting the body of important trace minerals.
8. Create an alkaline state in he body by eating more organic fruits and vegetables that support multiple channels of detoxification in the body. They clean the liver, the bowels, the skin, the blood, etc.
9. Eat more fiber. When we eat fiber, the liver can more easily flush toxins through the digestive system and we take an immense load off an organ that is constantly trying to get rid of toxic substances from the body. High fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, potatoes (including their skin), etc.
10. Eat more grapefruit containing naringenin, a special flavanoid that helps the liver burn fat instead of storing toxins in our fat cells.
11. Eating garlic can help boost detoxification since it helps to boost the production of white blood cells, otherwise known as lymphocytes, an important part of the immune system as well.
12. Eating asparagus can educe the levels of pesticides in the body.
13. Eating organic, free-range eggs can also help to remove toxins from the body. They also boost energy levels.
14. Increasing your levels of vitamin C is so good for you, and detoxing the body that it was found this vitamin could help reduce levels of radiation exposure, even in people who were living near Fukushima.
15. Native Americans have been using sarsaparilla for hundreds of years in teas and tinctures as a way to effectively detox the blood. It also effectively treats liver, kidney and skin conditions.
16. Exercising and staying active is vital to keeping impurities out of the body. Just 30 minutes to an hour every day brings oxygen rich blood to the liver and kidneys, thus supporting them in detoxifying the body.
17. Eating brazil nuts, which are full of glutathione, a natural detoxifying substance, can help the body get rid of pesticides and other harmful toxins. Also, full of selenium, Brazil nuts help to create more glutathione. Sometimes called the mother of all antioxidants.
18. Our skin is one of the biggest organs of detoxification. It covers about 22 square feet and we replace skin cells every single day. Dry brushing is a great way to help support the skin in detoxing the body through sweat, bathing, etc. If our pores are clogged, the skin becomes less effective. Dry brushing also helps encourage lymph flow that helps to flush toxins from the body.
19. Take Milk Thistle. Sylibum marianum, also known as Milk thistle is a great support for the liver. Long with helping the body detox, this herb has been linked to reduction in certain cancers, reduced diabetes and even reduction digestive disorders.
20. Consume Essiac Tea, which cleanses the body and also has anti-cancer properties. This tea can help the body rid itself of pesticides used with GMOs, and ground-spraying including permethrin.
21. Eat your sea vegetables. Algin in seaweeds helps to absorb toxins form the digestive tract (in much the same way that water softener removes hardness from tap water) so they can be eliminated more easily. They also offer the largest range of vital trace minerals that can help to clean the blood.
22. Consuming dandelion greens and roots can help to detox the body due to their high levels of antioxidants but also help to support liver decongestion.
23. Use broccoli sprouts in your salads to ingest important substances that help with detoxification: sulphorophanes, indole-3-carbinol and D-glucarate. Sprouts also contain up to 20 times more sulfurophane than regular, full grown broccoli plants.
24. Eat flaxseed and flaxseed oil to help detox the body. This super food is full of fiber and Omega 3s, both important substances for detoxification.
25. Add turmeric to your recipes. This root is full of Curcumin, used often in Ayurvedic Medicine to treat liver and digestive disorders, and a great detoxing agent.
About the AuthorChristina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
Intensive recipes for detox/cleanses...
Excerpt from www.staningerreport.com/ihsblog.html?bp_id=3117071819147668144
Foods and medicines that have been recommended again and again for helping detox, and show up in many commercial products for this purpose, include:
Chlorella, Spirulina, Garlic, Onions, Nutritional Yeast, Aloe Vera. Ginkgo Biloba, Cucurmin from turmeric, Miso, Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea Extract, and Grape Seed Extract. Any of these are very good additions to your detox protocol if they are available to you.
Dr. Staninger makes the point that if you are going to radically change your diet for a time from a modern mainstream processed food diet towards a 75% raw foods diet, you have to make it fun! That is, you have to make the foods taste interesting. I noticed I can eat only so many fresh vegetables, but if I make a homemade peanut sauce as a dip, I enjoy them a lot more. So if you can use your spices and sauces and creativity to make these foods delicious, you’ll have an easier time allowing this experience into your life.
Dr. Staninger also advises that in addition to a colon cleanse, it is a good idea to flush the gall bladder as well, to clean out any sludge. She says you do a gall bladder cleanse simply by mixing one half cup of pure virgin olive oil with the juice of three lemons, and taking this internally. You don’t have to gulp it down, but the idea is to get that into your body in a relatively short time, over a few hours at most. If there is a sludge buildup, this will encourage it to break up and evacuate. Dr. Staninger reported that many individuals pass gall stones from this simple gall bladder cleanse.
Dr. Hildy’s Cellular Tonic Recipe
- 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 4 teaspoons diced garlic
- 1 level teaspoon red cayenne pepper
Cook together in a small pot for one minute then add the following ingredients:
- ½ cup brewed green tea, preferably Japanese green tea. (Brewed color should be lime green. If the color is yellow/golden then the water is too hot; suggest ½ boiling water and ½ cool water for perfect lime green color.)
- 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar.
- ½ cup honey
(Note : Olive oil will harden in the refrigerator. When you take it out leave it to warm on the counter at room temperature, then shake and pour your tablespoon. This tonic has been known to increase muscle strength, skin texture, and build muscles. It was used by the Mohawk Wrestling Team of Kahn:awake – Mohawk Territory.)
Dr. Hildy’s Detox Soup Recipe
- 2 cups water
- 1 bullion cube (organic) of beef, chicken, or veggie (may substitute canned organic stock) handful of fresh parsley
- 1 diced small onion
Dr. Hildy’s “Monkey Juice”
MONKEY JUICE (a cellular flush formula)
Blend together:
- 1 lime with skin not removed
- 2 stalks celery
- 6 sprigs cilantro (cut in whole leafs and stems, use scissors)
- Dash Olmec salt or other high grade natural salt
- Dash red cayenne
- ¼ cup honey or blue agave sweetener
- One peeled prickly pear cactus fruit, if available, fresh or canned (if not available, may substitute another sweet red fruit of your choice, such as raspberries)
- Add water to blender for desired consistency
- One drop chac mool minerals,
- A dash of Olmec natural salts, or dash of other healthy salt.
Chop up celery, cilantro, lime, put in blender.
Add other ingredients
Blend, strain and pour over ice. Drink once daily.
(Caution—You need a sturdy blender to chop up lime skin. It is easier, if you chop the lime into small pieces or only blend a little at a time.)
from... www.staningerreport.com/ihsblog.html?bp_id=3117071819147668144
some notes from me...
Chlorella to Aid in Cleanse
Some detoxes/cleanses have the affect of releasing too many toxins for the body to eliminate. These toxins can be reabsorbed in the lumen/small intestine and remain in the body. There is a practice of using chlorella to counteract this process of reabsorbtion. Chlorella can be taken 30 minutes before the use of toxin releasing cleanses or detox recipes. That will bind to the toxins that the body can not eliminate even though they are released. Dr Klinghardt is a big advocate of using chlorella. He recommends this in addition to cilantro, edta or other toxin releasing chelators. Here are some other suggestions to aid in detoxing and cleansing.
- daily sessions with the sauna.... (to sweat out toxins)
- chlorella (to bind to toxins and help eliminate them and prevent reabsorption of them).
- 2,000 - 3,000 mg of chlorella a half hour before taking chelating supplements, That will bind to the toxins that the body can not eliminate even though they are released.
- psyllium and bentonite clay (for the same reasons... sweep out the colon of released toxins).
- Triphalia or another colon cleanse
- Hot baths with salts (to help you sweat it out, especially after jogging, hot yoga or rebounding)
Cilantro as a Natural Chelator
Here is one more recipe for using cilantro. Remember to also use chlorella as described above.
It really does taste great and freezes well (if you make a large amount).
Remember... use organic as conventionally grown cilantro has MANY pesticides (one study found 27).
- Cilantro has some very interesting (and affordable) super health benefits and can be seen as a major cleaner of the body in ridding heavy metals such as mercury, lead and aluminum from one’s body.Yes, there’s more people, cilantro is also a blood cleaner. There are treatments available to help rid the body of the heavy metals called ‘Chelation therapy’ which use chemical agents like EDTA . This has long been used to help remove heavy metals” but it seems as if cilantro is one of the affordable natural substances than can remove these metals naturally. Only use fresh organic cilantro… as in this Pesto recipe.
- 1 clove garlic ( add more to taste)
- 1 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts (preferrably raw and soaked)
- 1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 6 tablespoons organic cold pressed virgin olive oil
Use a food processor or blender to process the cilantro to a paste. Slowly add the other ingredients and process until smooth. Add more oil or water to blend if needed. If so remember to use the 3:1 ratio of lemon juice to olive oil. This pesto will freeze well for later use so consider making large batches.
Note: Most health food grocers and online suppliers now have nut butters for sell. These include almond butter, cashew butter and macadamia nut butter. It is also easy to make a nut butter with a food processor or a masticating juicer. Simply soak the raw nuts in filtered water overnight. Rinse and process in the machine.
How to Protect Yourself From Chemtrail Poisoning
Source of Article: http://www.pakalertpress.com/2013/01/25/how-to-protect-yourself-from-chemtrail-poisoning/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+pakalert+%28Pak+Alert+Press%29
Drina Brooke, Certified Herbalist
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Such is Ben Franklin’s saying. How true it is! He was talking about fire prevention, but the analogy can surely be applied to health. Especially when it comes to heavy metal and chemical exposure, the body’s immune, nervous and endocrine systems may likely be worn down faster than therapies can build them back up, though there is some individual variation (see quote at the conclusion of this article). That said, there is also a lot we can do to protect ourselves from the exposure in the first place, and to rejuvenate the body once the exposure has taken place. It just takes time, that’s all, and a physician’s supervision if a health injury has actually occurred. But let’s not go there. Instead, the focus of this article is how you can take extra precautions to shield yourself from heavy metal poisoning from chemtrails, assuming that you are a healthy individual. Because people on the Surviving the Middle Class Crash and Speak Truth 2 Power sites have expressed concern, I thought I would offer a thought or two about this.
Drina Brooke, Certified Herbalist
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Such is Ben Franklin’s saying. How true it is! He was talking about fire prevention, but the analogy can surely be applied to health. Especially when it comes to heavy metal and chemical exposure, the body’s immune, nervous and endocrine systems may likely be worn down faster than therapies can build them back up, though there is some individual variation (see quote at the conclusion of this article). That said, there is also a lot we can do to protect ourselves from the exposure in the first place, and to rejuvenate the body once the exposure has taken place. It just takes time, that’s all, and a physician’s supervision if a health injury has actually occurred. But let’s not go there. Instead, the focus of this article is how you can take extra precautions to shield yourself from heavy metal poisoning from chemtrails, assuming that you are a healthy individual. Because people on the Surviving the Middle Class Crash and Speak Truth 2 Power sites have expressed concern, I thought I would offer a thought or two about this.
Let’s first take a look at the contents of chemtrail sprays. Then we will know what we are up against, and how to proceed further with strengthening the body’s defenses (which is absolutely never a guarantee that no health injury can occur, especially where chemtrail exposure is concerned. Only a precautionary measure).
Literature available about chemtrails may be controversial and conflicting, but that of course may be reason in itself to raise some querying eyebrows.
According to Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D. www.mayanmajix.com/art2152.html :
“Laboratory examination of those chemicals found that they were manufacturing wastes from militaryindustry and biowarfare substances. In several laboratory analyses, the composition of chemtrails was revealed:
1. Aluminum barium
2. Aluminum Oxide
3. Bacilli and Molds
4. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
5. Pseudomonas Florescens
6. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens
7. Streptomyces
8. Enterobacteriaceae
9. Serratia Marcscens
10. Human white Blood Cells-A restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA
11. Enterobacter Cloacal
12. Other Bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress.
13. Carcinogen Zinc Cadmium Sulfide.
After chemtrails lingered, spread, covered entire skies and fell, reports of illnesses increased substantially, such as persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, headaches, aching joints and muscles, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety, loss of bladder control, and nervous tics. Much of it is reported as flu and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our heads, inhaled, absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food.”
Yikes! Well that’s a lot to bite off and chew, isn’t it. So before we go into the discussion of dietary and herbal support for such exposure, let’s look at ways to reduce exposure in the first place.
a) It’s the age-old trick of people who are environmentally ill. They wear a scarf or mask over their nose and mouth, to filter any chemicals out of the air they breathe. If you see chemtrails in the sky, you and all of your loved ones should be doing the same.
b) Consider purchasing a high-quality air filter for your home. Airstar is an excellent brand with variousmodels, which are designed to remove small particles, bacteria and chemicals from the air. They are used by environmentally ill people, whose immune systems are so compromised that they cannot walk into a grocery store or go down the detergent isle. Some even have to move to the desert or elsewhere, and every one of them requires special housing. So these are very well designed air filters. You could call Real Goods in Hopland, CA to find out about the newest models and other brands used by chemically sensitive people:www.realgoods.com/ Toll-free: (800) 919-2400
c) A water filter will be just as crucial. Reports of dying fish are not to be laughed at in heavily sprayed chemtrail areas. I recommend the Multi-Pure product www.multipure.com , which removes at minimum 95% of each chemical or heavy metal included in its very long list. In fact, many are removed at rates of 98.9%, and a few at 99%. Some models will filter all of the water in your home, including your bath water. Don’t forget that the skin absorbs chemicals and metals: Protect yourself in the shower as well as when drinking water. There also are separate shower filters available less expensively then filters designed for the entire home. (You could also ask about filters for your outdoor garden hose, as the ground water is bound to be contaminated. Don’t dump that tainted water on your plants, this will only contribute to polluting the ground water as well as your plants!)
d) One blogger mentioned covering her garden with thin plastic on spray days. The thinnest grade of plastic, she points out, allows the plants not to suffocate or overheat, but still protects them. Remove it after spraying is done. Wear gloves and wash them, and your hands, thoroughly.
e) In his article titled “Living Safely in a Polluted World: Your Home Should be a Haven”, Dr. Leon Chaitow suggests taking off your shoes prior to entering your home. This is not merely for housekeeping purposes, but for chemical hygiene: Heavy metals such as lead may be contaminating the soil from prior exhaust fume exposure, he writes (it lasts many years prior to breakdown), and clings to dust particles. Other chemicals also cling to dust, he writes. With chemtrail sprays, the same cautions may be observed. Extra vacuuming and dusting will be key.
f) Vacuum your furniture, rugs, drapes (yes, drapes especially, don’t forget how much they may filter out from incoming air) and home very well if there is any aerial spraying going on. Close your windows and doors on spray days. Immediately throw out any vacuum bags after use.
g) Essential oils in your home not only smell pleasant, but have anti-microbial action. Tea tree and oregano oils are particularly effective against viruses and bacteria, with citrus oils following second in line. Lavender will kill some dust mites too, but has less anti-viral/anti-bacterial action than the oregano and tea tree oils. It is perfectly okay to mix the above oils together. Very lightly spray them on your drapes, carpets, floors and put them in your heat vents. Consider very lightly spraying them in your car, too, particularly on floor mats and seats (essential oils are exceptionally powerful, so don’t overdo them. Two drops in a mugful of tea water, or about 4 to 6 drops in a sprayer bottle of water, are all that you need. Just enough to smell nice, without being overpowering. Don’t use if you have infants, they may be too strong).
h) Spread word, spread word, spread word!
Here is important information from the Pesticide Action Network about first aid for barium and aluminum exposure:
www.pesticideinfo.org › Least/Non-Toxic Alternatives (on the Home page, see Chemicals or Alphabetized Chemical List).
Now, how do we support the body’s defenses against such an onslaught as a mix of heavy metals plus various mixed, noxious microbes, alongside carcinogens? There is no simple answer. But fortunately, the herbal world does have a lot to offer for detoxifying the body, strengthening the liver and kidneys, plus very effective anti-viral herbs that are for the most part free of side-effects. With no guarantees made to any reader (I never make guarantees, and it all depends so much on individual vulnerabilities), a panel of physicians at a lecture I attended, said that the drug Tamiflu will shorten your flu duration by 12 hours, whereas elderberry will shorten it by 48 hours! (There were naturopathic doctors and a mainstream doctor on the panel, who agreed with the naturopaths).
However if there is a health injury, I stress emphatically that you will need a physician’s care. You may likely need antibiotics and other intervention. I recommend a naturopathic physician (don’t use this article to replace a physician’s guidance, oriented to your individual case and specific needs. Feel free to use this article for your education, and to ask your doctor specific questions). Naturopaths are well-trained in the areas of detoxification, and have an arsenal of tools to accomplish this. In addition, instead of offering the medical approach of countering a particular malaise, they are trained to actually rebuild and strengthen body systems. Some states allow naturopaths to prescribe mainstream medications as well, and they are specially trained in the interaction between drugs, herbs and supplements. Their schooling includes standard medical training plus a combination of nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and acupuncture. You can find a licensed naturopathic physician in your area on this website: www.naturopathic.org
May I strongly suggest that readers purchase their own copy of naturopathic doctor Linda Rector Page’s book called “Healthy Healing”. This book offers excellent home remedies for many ailments from A-Z, with each ailment in a one-page quick-glance format. Herbs, homeopathics, diet, and body work are each listed in columns for each page. Additionally, her book discusses various detoxification methods and the information is quite handy.
World-ranking herbal authority Christopher Hobbs has several books of interest too. His “Foundations of Health” is a very lay-friendly read, with many detoxification regimens offered. “Natural Therapy for your Liver” is in lay-friendly language and goes into scientific depth, using technical terms yet still an easy read. This book offers detox herbal formulas, but also discusses many of the herbs in depth, plus some of their specific impacts on the liver and its enzymes. So it’s the more technical book, for those who are interested in that information.
You can also log on to www.healthy.net where only nationally and world-renowned physicians, naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists and herbalists post their articles. You can look up almost any ailment by entering it into the search box. World-ranking herbal authority David Hoffmann has his herbal material medica on this site, so you can look up individual herbs with his in-depth world of wisdom offered for anybody who is interested.
Dr. Joseph Mercola has written many articles about chemical and heavy metal poisoning, and to google his articles would be time well spent.
Having myself fully recovered from environmental illness more than 26 years ago, and as herbalist with training in this area, let me hereby offer a few thoughts for adjunct support, subject to your physician’s approval.
1) Support your liver, your body’s most important detoxifying organ
2) Support your kidneys, also an important organ of elimination
3) Strengthen cell walls with essential fatty acids, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, and vitamin E. The cell walls form the first line of defense against environmental chemicals and metals. If they make it past this first immune barrier, then the detoxifying organs and immune system kick in. Keeping the first immune barrier strong, the mucosal linings of organs and those of your cells, is one part of the greater arsenal of keys to protection from environmental poisoning. (Please note, however, that chemical/heavy metal exposure will break down this immune barrier faster than any supplements can rebuild it. Observe the cautions above, and as many others as you can think of, to reduce exposure. Don’t forget to wear a scarf or mask outdoors! This will be very important for your protection). IMPORTANT: If your digestive lining has been compromised, you will be far more prone to infections and metal poisoning, or any kind of toxicity, than most people. Make sure you seal up the gut lining, if compromised. You can read about Leaky Gut Syndrome here:http://survivingthemiddleclasscrash.wordpress.com/2010/03/03/leaky-gut-syndrome-or-digestive-permeability/
4) Strengthen your immune system, which should not tolerate long-term infections or illnesses unless it has been broken down to begin with. (The onslaught of mixed heavy metals with noxious microbes is very likely enough to break it down).
5) If actually poisoned by chemtrail sprays, ask your doctor to test and balance your hormones as necessary. NOTE: If your thyroid is low, you will possibly be prone to increased risk of infections, colds and flus. If your adrenals are low, you will be more prone to stress and inflammations, with lowered immunity in general. You could also be at increased hormone-driven cancer risk if DHEA levels are low.
6) Eat as many organic or pesticide-free, hormone-free, antibiotic-free and GMO-free products as you possibly can afford. (Trader Joes and the farmer’s markets offer less-expensive choices). If there is chemtrail spraying in your area, your liver is bound to be overwhelmed by the task of detoxifying the heavy metals, plus the toxins secreted by the various microbes. To give your liver and kidneys a break from any undue burden, is to free them up for the enormous task at hand, to detoxify this noxious mix of products. Use non-toxic household cleansers wherever possible, and do everything you can to reduce the load of chemicals coming in to your body.
7) Ask your doctor if you have any known health concerns, to be sure that there is no contra-indication before proceeding with an heavy metal detoxification, but also with detoxification of any kind. Make sure to ask about drug/herb/nutrient interactions, you would be surprised at how often these can occur. Make sure your doctor approves the protocol here, as well as the herbs and supplements.
8) I do *not* recommend heavy metal detoxification where digestive mucosa has been compromised, as in Leaky Gut Syndrome, Candida albicans infections or untreated Celiac disease. Instead, I strongly recommend rebuilding the gut lining first, prior to proceeding. If you have any known medical condition, or any liver or kidney issues, talk with your doctor prior to doing any heavy metal detoxification program.
If barium and aluminum are part of the chemtrail’s components, then obviously it is important to support your body against inhaled or ingested heavy metals:
Vitamin C is helpful in buffering heavy metals, plus it raises glutathione levels in the liver, according to Linda Rector Page ND. To accompany this with apple pectin in capsule form would be helpful too, since this binds with and removes heavy metals that are in the gut (but does not pull it out of the cells, per se. It’s very important to remove the metals from the digestive tract, terribly important in fact to prevent reuptake and protect immune integrity). Cilantro is a helpful aid in metal detoxifying, as are sea greens of almost any kind. Take these supplements, eat a lot of apples, garlic, cilantro, onions, sea vegetables and miso, and you will be assisting your body’s heavy metals screening process.
Make sure you are having at least two bowel movements daily. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, heavy metals are contained in stool material, and can be reabsorbed if the stool matter hangs around for too long prior to elimination. Do occasional enemas to clear the colon of impacted waste that causes heavy metal reuptake, plus putrefaction and toxicity-related diseases as stagnant bowel wastes escape into the blood, writes Dr. Linda Rector Page. (Note: Your body can become dependent on enemas, so only do this on occasion and not at regular intervals).
But the above is for dietary “beefing up” so to speak, not for actual heavy metal detoxification. For the latter, I recommend only one product: Metalloclear by Metagenics (available at Vitacost for a substantial discount: www.vitacost.com ). This has a gentle action which boosts your liver’s own glutathione, a sulfur-like detoxifying fluid, that helps to break down heavy metals (among other things). In this way, by acting gently yet working with the liver, this product reduces the chances of heavy metals injuring your system anew as they are chelated out of the body. (Note that any product which cleanses heavy metals too quickly, can be a source of health injury instead of healthy detoxication. There is never a guarantee by the way, but this product also is a lot safer than many that I know of, at least in my opinion. Because going slowly is key with metal detoxifying, I absolutely do not recommend taking this product alongside any of the other metal-buffering supplements or herbs mentioned anywhere in this article. Use this product separately). Dr Page warns: Never fast or drink solely liquids when doing heavy metal detoxification. You need the fiber to absorb some of the toxins and metals in order to protect your body. Eat lots of brown rice and vegetables to assist detoxifying, especially of heavy metals. Some of this should be raw vegetable material, such as salad. Liquids can be used to flush out waste, but food and fiber are musts when cleansing metals. Be sure to ask for your physician’s supervision when attempting any heavy metal cleanse, to make sure all is going safely and smoothly.
For extra immune support, prior to actual infection
Vitamin D3 was said by a panel of six physicians at a lecture I attended, to “act like a firewall” against the immune system. It calms down the over-active immune system while activating the tired one, they said. This can be useful against many types of bacteria and viruses. Use only the D3 cholecalciferol version (not D2 ergocalciferol). Biotics Research makes an excipient-free, hypoallergenic product in a natural sesame oil and acacia base, called Bio-D-Mulsion Forte: www.amazon.com/Biotics…Bio-D-Mulsion-Forte…/B000UQOCCQ (do not exceed recommended dose without your doctor’s supervision. Vitamin D can help to strengthen bones and teeth, but excessively high doses can swing too far and calcify the kidneys, according to the physician panelists in the lecture I attended. It’s beneficial in smaller amounts but not in larger portions. Balance is everything with supplements and herbs. According to Earl Mindells Vitamin Bible of the 21st Century, 20,000 iu or more are considered toxic, but it’s almost never administered in such high doses. Ask your doctor for the best dosage suited to your own case).
Rainbow Light’s Deep Defense product is formulated to strengthen immune reserves and to rejuvenate a stressed-out body:
If you are actually exposed to chemtrail spray and become virally/bacterially infected:
See a naturopathic or integrative physician. The following information is only for educational purposes, based on which you can ask questions of your physician.
(Caution: Echinacea is contra-indicated in auto-immune disease such as, but not limited to lupus, some forms of arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. The same holds true for astragalus and some forms of auto-immunity: Avoid).
Echinacea plus goldenseal as extract (much stronger than the dried herb). Echinacea is an excellent lymphatic cleanser, and goldenseal soothes the mucosal linings. Both have antiviral and antibacterial action, especially together. Use most Echinacea products for ten days, then take a one-week break prior to proceeding again (Exception: Those with low levels of Echinacea, as background herb. Auto-immune patients must avoid Echinacea altogether, regardless of dosage).
See Herb Pharm’s product called Virattack (this will be helpful with viruses and bacterial infections, alike. Contains Echinacea, do not use in auto-immune attack). Available at a deep discount from Vitacost:http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ss=1&.x=11&.y=8&Ntk=products&Ntt=virattack
If you cannot take Echinacea, try pairing up the Bio D-Mulsion Forte together with Elderberry Extract (Gaia and Herb Pharm are excellent brands). Take the elderberry in moderate doses for the moderate-term, but not long-term. Use vitamin D ongoing, with your doctor’s approval and according to his/her dosage recommendations.
Chamomile tea steam: To keep the lungs clear and offer anti-inflammatory action is a small piece of the protective strategy, because the mucosal linings of the lungs are a part of the immune mucosal barrier.
Prepare a pot of chamomile tea. Remove from the stove, place on a trivet on a table top. Sit down, and drape a towel over your head and the pot, to form a tent which catches the steam. Inhale the tolerably warm steam, preferably through your nose, to your comfort level (five to ten minutes). Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory bisabolol, and is just mildly anti-microbial, helps to clear the lungs and is a gentle tonic. This is a good adjunct therapy for lung infections, but also for aiding in clearing your lungs. (It may not be able to remove all of the chemicals and metals from your lungs coming from chemtrails, but can assist).
Caution: Use tolerably warm steam but not hot enough to burn your face, or it can burn your nasal passages, bronchial airways and lungs too. Rinse off with cold water and pat your skin dry, do not rub with the towel because your pores will be open and sensitive after steaming.
For lung infections: See your physician
Gaia Herbs’s Respiratory Defense (most important keystone, excellent) plus chamomile tea steam, above.
As adjunct:
Mullein tea mixed with marshmallow root and fenugreek can help to reduce excess mucus. Drink the prepared tea. Very soothing to digestive mucosal linings too.
Ginger compress: Grate fresh ginger root and add hot water. Put on a cloth, place on the chest with ginger directly in contact with the skin. Leave on for no more than fifteen minutes to loosen phlegm. Wipe the skin with olive oil after removing the compress. CAUTION: Do not leave a person with a ginger compress unattended. The skin can burn if left on for too long, and if the person falls asleep, the skin can actually blister. Let the skin turn a healthy pink, but not an unhealthy red.
For asthma: See your physician
Gaia Herbs’s Breathe Naturally or Herb Pharm’s Calm Breath. See also Amla Fruit, below for adjunct support alongside the herbs.
For digestive disturbances:
Mullein, fennel, marshmallow root tea plus added peppermint leaf to soothe irritated digestive lining.
Chamomile and mint tea, together for stomach flu or aches. Honey has mild antimicrobial action and can help to counteract nausea (avoid with diabetes or hypoglycemia).
Ginger and lavender help nausea, mix with mint for pleasing flavor and to break up digestive gas.
If you have Leaky Gut Syndrome, consider the use of L-Glutamine and Gamma Oryzanol (from rice bran oil) to rebuild the gut lining. Use the marshmallow root tea above to soothe the inflamed digestive mucosa.
Digestive PH is important to breaking down unfriendly bacteria and viruses: If your PH is too low, use apple cider vinegar daily (a couple of teaspoons or tablespoons in a glass of water, to tolerance. Think also of salad dressing). Lemon is in itself acidic, but actually alkalizes the system once ingested. Unfriendly bacteria and viruses require an alkaline environment for their survival, and most will not survive the stomach acids if strong enough. Keeping your PH balanced is an important part of your defense.
For nose bleeds:
Quercitin, one of the bioflavonoids, strengthens capillary vessels. Often sold paired up with nettle leaves, an excellent choice because this checks histamine secretions and thus mitigates allergic reactions (helpful with asthma as adjunct support). Additionally, nettles deeply support the kidneys, which will need extra assistance during this time. For capillary strength, you could also try the Ayurvedic Amla fruit, which according to Dr Rector Page is “one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C and bioflavonoids; each amla fruit contains up to 700 mg of vitamin C. Amla is revered for its anti-aging, immune enhancing properties. It has been used since ancient times for anemia, asthma, bleeding gums, diabetes, colds, chronic lung disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, yeast infections, scurvy and cancer. Studies show that amla protects against chromosome damage from heavy metal exposure”. (Please note that for cancer, asthma and other serious matters, it is not one herb acting alone which will do the whole trick. A combination of elements will be necessary, under a naturopathic or integrative physician’s guidance). You can purchase Amla Fruit by the excellent Paradise Herbs company at a discount from Vitacost or iherbs.com: www.vitacost.com/Paradise-Herbs-Amla
Ginkgo, hawthorn and horse chestnut also benefit capillary strength and elasticity. For nose bleeds, use these as backups to the quercitin or amla.
For liver support to cleanse heavy metals:
Dr. Rector-Page writes that “Lipoic Acid is a potent promoter of glutathione, and an important co-factor in energy metabolism, especially during stress conditions. It also increases the effectiveness of other antioxidants, like vitamins C and E. Lipoic acid is one of the most potent liver detoxifiers ever discovered”.
Chlorella has actually been used by the army to mitigate chemical warfare, writes Dr Page. She also writes that “chlorella strengthens the liver, the body’s major detoxifying organ, to rid you of infective agents. Chlorella eliminates heavy metals, like lead, mercury, copper and cadmium” (almost all of which are ingredients in dental “Silver” amalgam fillings). One physician I know personally, cautioned that chlorella “will grab onto the good stuff too, so don’t take it with other herbs or medication. Instead, administer it separately, several hours after taking the medication or herbs” (or supplements). Further information about chlorella and scientific findings, mechanism of action here: www.JonBarron.org
Milk thistle would usually be associated with chemical detoxifying more than with heavy metals, but would also be extremely useful as extra support in this situation. It helps the liver to build new liver tissue, and its constituents are believed to bind with receptor sites to block chemical uptake, thereby protecting the body from toxicity. A liver protectant, also has some adrenal gland supporting functions. Caution: Do not mix milk thistle with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, the herb potentiates the uptake of both regimens and can put you at risk of drug toxicity. In fact, do not mix any of the instructions here with any cancer therapy. See your doctor. This is very important, for your own well-being.
Schizandra is a Chinese herb which has liver protectant functions, supports the adrenal glands (involved in anti-inflammatory responses) and the immune system, each alike.
Burdock, artichoke and dandelion root are helpful adjuncts alongside milk thistle or schizandra for liver support and detoxification. Bupleurum is a Chinese herb that regulates energy flow through the liver, stabilizing liver function and aiding cleansing. Helpful with mood swings.
It’s okay and even optimal to mix the above herbs as a liver-supportive formula. Many commercially-prepared herbal formulas contain a mix of several herbs above. I like GAIA Herb’s Milk Thistle Yellow Dock.
Build up your mucosal linings, or the linings of your organs (digestive, lungs, nasal and bronchial passages, and more) and which are part of your immune system’s first shield. See note above about Leaky Gut Syndrome, if you have compromised digestive linings then you will be especially vulnerable. Take care of a leaky gut, if present, as your very first line of defense):
Essential fatty acids (EFA’s) strengthen the walls of fatty tissue such as in the brain and spinal cord, also assisting the screening of foreign matter from the cells. Fish oils, evening primrose, flax seed or borage oil would be excellent choices. Vitamin E can assist too, but start at a low dose and creep it up gradually, to avoid any raising of blood pressure. Ask your doctor about taking vitamin E if you already have high blood pressure. Use as adjunct alongside the EFA’s.
Vitamin C and bioflavonoids build collagen, the cement that binds cellular material together. This plays a role in mucosal barriers as well. Bioflavonoids also have some anti-viral activity.
Support your kidneys:
Dandelion leaf plus nettles will be gently diuretic and kidney-strengthening, while replacing some of the potassium excreted in the urine and building up the body’s mineral reserve.
If kidneys are painful or sore, see your doctor. Use a chamomile compress on your back. For cysts, see your physician. Use a warm castor oil pack topically, but not for long-term repeated use.
For nerve health:
St Johnswort oil (different constituents than the tincture) is a superb topical nervous system anti-inflammatory. Coconut oil mixed with St Johnswort oil (apply topically) can be very soothing to inflamed, tingling or irritated nerves. Mix St Johnswort Oil with homeopathic Traumeel Oil for often very good results, apply topically as massage oil. Homeopathic Avena Sativa (wild oats) can be calming, and homeopathic Hypericum Perforatum (From St Johnswort) is specifically used for nerve injuries. Heavy metals will likely damage nerves: Make sure to safely and slowly detoxify metals for nerve health. Building liver health will be key too, Traditional Chinese Medicine has traced a connection between the nervous system and the liver. Eat oats daily, if you are not gluten intolerant: They can gradually and gently build up nerve health over time.
Last but not least, let me hereby offer a few thoughts to stop chemtrail spraying in the first place. Class action lawsuits may be most effective, to hit the pocketbook is where it counts most. The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is a basic Constitutional right (once upon a time, and we have to restore it).
Those who approve such chemtrail spraying, must immediately be unseated from public office or their other positions of authority, and frankly be locked up. Expose their misdeeds with the power of the pen, and urge people to get involved in unseating this person abusing their position of power. Murdering one’s own people is treason.
Also, let me be very bold and say truly and from the core of conviction, that by U.S. law, anybody who poses a physical threat to Self or Others, must be held against his/her own will in psychiatric hospitals. The hospitals cannot hold psychotic delusionals or anybody else against their will. But anybody who poses a threat of physical harm to anybody, must be held by law.
I wouldn’t think they could lock You up as The Kook for saying such a thing, if you were in a class action group of people alleging such insanity among our high-ranking officials. But of course, you never know.
(I am not an attorney, and do not know how binding this matter would be on a legal level).
Let me also close on a note of hope. According to the reference book, “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide”, “Metals that have no safe amount in the human system, may accumulate within the body (fat cells, central nervous system,bones, brain, glands, and hair) and may have negative health effects. Any level of these toxic metals is not normal. The levels usually need to rise above the established safety ranges to actually manifest in health problems. However, there is individual variation, and high normal levels may aggravate one person and not another”.
So if you keep your immune system healthy and routinely detoxify in a safe and gentle way, you may have a much better chance of tolerating the toxic exposure.
Source of Article: http://www.pakalertpress.com/2013/01/25/how-to-protect-yourself-from-chemtrail-poisoning/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+pakalert+%28Pak+Alert+Press%29
Literature available about chemtrails may be controversial and conflicting, but that of course may be reason in itself to raise some querying eyebrows.
According to Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D. www.mayanmajix.com/art2152.html :
“Laboratory examination of those chemicals found that they were manufacturing wastes from militaryindustry and biowarfare substances. In several laboratory analyses, the composition of chemtrails was revealed:
1. Aluminum barium
2. Aluminum Oxide
3. Bacilli and Molds
4. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
5. Pseudomonas Florescens
6. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens
7. Streptomyces
8. Enterobacteriaceae
9. Serratia Marcscens
10. Human white Blood Cells-A restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA
11. Enterobacter Cloacal
12. Other Bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress.
13. Carcinogen Zinc Cadmium Sulfide.
After chemtrails lingered, spread, covered entire skies and fell, reports of illnesses increased substantially, such as persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, headaches, aching joints and muscles, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety, loss of bladder control, and nervous tics. Much of it is reported as flu and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our heads, inhaled, absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food.”
Yikes! Well that’s a lot to bite off and chew, isn’t it. So before we go into the discussion of dietary and herbal support for such exposure, let’s look at ways to reduce exposure in the first place.
a) It’s the age-old trick of people who are environmentally ill. They wear a scarf or mask over their nose and mouth, to filter any chemicals out of the air they breathe. If you see chemtrails in the sky, you and all of your loved ones should be doing the same.
b) Consider purchasing a high-quality air filter for your home. Airstar is an excellent brand with variousmodels, which are designed to remove small particles, bacteria and chemicals from the air. They are used by environmentally ill people, whose immune systems are so compromised that they cannot walk into a grocery store or go down the detergent isle. Some even have to move to the desert or elsewhere, and every one of them requires special housing. So these are very well designed air filters. You could call Real Goods in Hopland, CA to find out about the newest models and other brands used by chemically sensitive people:www.realgoods.com/ Toll-free: (800) 919-2400
c) A water filter will be just as crucial. Reports of dying fish are not to be laughed at in heavily sprayed chemtrail areas. I recommend the Multi-Pure product www.multipure.com , which removes at minimum 95% of each chemical or heavy metal included in its very long list. In fact, many are removed at rates of 98.9%, and a few at 99%. Some models will filter all of the water in your home, including your bath water. Don’t forget that the skin absorbs chemicals and metals: Protect yourself in the shower as well as when drinking water. There also are separate shower filters available less expensively then filters designed for the entire home. (You could also ask about filters for your outdoor garden hose, as the ground water is bound to be contaminated. Don’t dump that tainted water on your plants, this will only contribute to polluting the ground water as well as your plants!)
d) One blogger mentioned covering her garden with thin plastic on spray days. The thinnest grade of plastic, she points out, allows the plants not to suffocate or overheat, but still protects them. Remove it after spraying is done. Wear gloves and wash them, and your hands, thoroughly.
e) In his article titled “Living Safely in a Polluted World: Your Home Should be a Haven”, Dr. Leon Chaitow suggests taking off your shoes prior to entering your home. This is not merely for housekeeping purposes, but for chemical hygiene: Heavy metals such as lead may be contaminating the soil from prior exhaust fume exposure, he writes (it lasts many years prior to breakdown), and clings to dust particles. Other chemicals also cling to dust, he writes. With chemtrail sprays, the same cautions may be observed. Extra vacuuming and dusting will be key.
f) Vacuum your furniture, rugs, drapes (yes, drapes especially, don’t forget how much they may filter out from incoming air) and home very well if there is any aerial spraying going on. Close your windows and doors on spray days. Immediately throw out any vacuum bags after use.
g) Essential oils in your home not only smell pleasant, but have anti-microbial action. Tea tree and oregano oils are particularly effective against viruses and bacteria, with citrus oils following second in line. Lavender will kill some dust mites too, but has less anti-viral/anti-bacterial action than the oregano and tea tree oils. It is perfectly okay to mix the above oils together. Very lightly spray them on your drapes, carpets, floors and put them in your heat vents. Consider very lightly spraying them in your car, too, particularly on floor mats and seats (essential oils are exceptionally powerful, so don’t overdo them. Two drops in a mugful of tea water, or about 4 to 6 drops in a sprayer bottle of water, are all that you need. Just enough to smell nice, without being overpowering. Don’t use if you have infants, they may be too strong).
h) Spread word, spread word, spread word!
Here is important information from the Pesticide Action Network about first aid for barium and aluminum exposure:
www.pesticideinfo.org › Least/Non-Toxic Alternatives (on the Home page, see Chemicals or Alphabetized Chemical List).
Now, how do we support the body’s defenses against such an onslaught as a mix of heavy metals plus various mixed, noxious microbes, alongside carcinogens? There is no simple answer. But fortunately, the herbal world does have a lot to offer for detoxifying the body, strengthening the liver and kidneys, plus very effective anti-viral herbs that are for the most part free of side-effects. With no guarantees made to any reader (I never make guarantees, and it all depends so much on individual vulnerabilities), a panel of physicians at a lecture I attended, said that the drug Tamiflu will shorten your flu duration by 12 hours, whereas elderberry will shorten it by 48 hours! (There were naturopathic doctors and a mainstream doctor on the panel, who agreed with the naturopaths).
However if there is a health injury, I stress emphatically that you will need a physician’s care. You may likely need antibiotics and other intervention. I recommend a naturopathic physician (don’t use this article to replace a physician’s guidance, oriented to your individual case and specific needs. Feel free to use this article for your education, and to ask your doctor specific questions). Naturopaths are well-trained in the areas of detoxification, and have an arsenal of tools to accomplish this. In addition, instead of offering the medical approach of countering a particular malaise, they are trained to actually rebuild and strengthen body systems. Some states allow naturopaths to prescribe mainstream medications as well, and they are specially trained in the interaction between drugs, herbs and supplements. Their schooling includes standard medical training plus a combination of nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and acupuncture. You can find a licensed naturopathic physician in your area on this website: www.naturopathic.org
May I strongly suggest that readers purchase their own copy of naturopathic doctor Linda Rector Page’s book called “Healthy Healing”. This book offers excellent home remedies for many ailments from A-Z, with each ailment in a one-page quick-glance format. Herbs, homeopathics, diet, and body work are each listed in columns for each page. Additionally, her book discusses various detoxification methods and the information is quite handy.
World-ranking herbal authority Christopher Hobbs has several books of interest too. His “Foundations of Health” is a very lay-friendly read, with many detoxification regimens offered. “Natural Therapy for your Liver” is in lay-friendly language and goes into scientific depth, using technical terms yet still an easy read. This book offers detox herbal formulas, but also discusses many of the herbs in depth, plus some of their specific impacts on the liver and its enzymes. So it’s the more technical book, for those who are interested in that information.
You can also log on to www.healthy.net where only nationally and world-renowned physicians, naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists and herbalists post their articles. You can look up almost any ailment by entering it into the search box. World-ranking herbal authority David Hoffmann has his herbal material medica on this site, so you can look up individual herbs with his in-depth world of wisdom offered for anybody who is interested.
Dr. Joseph Mercola has written many articles about chemical and heavy metal poisoning, and to google his articles would be time well spent.
Having myself fully recovered from environmental illness more than 26 years ago, and as herbalist with training in this area, let me hereby offer a few thoughts for adjunct support, subject to your physician’s approval.
1) Support your liver, your body’s most important detoxifying organ
2) Support your kidneys, also an important organ of elimination
3) Strengthen cell walls with essential fatty acids, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, and vitamin E. The cell walls form the first line of defense against environmental chemicals and metals. If they make it past this first immune barrier, then the detoxifying organs and immune system kick in. Keeping the first immune barrier strong, the mucosal linings of organs and those of your cells, is one part of the greater arsenal of keys to protection from environmental poisoning. (Please note, however, that chemical/heavy metal exposure will break down this immune barrier faster than any supplements can rebuild it. Observe the cautions above, and as many others as you can think of, to reduce exposure. Don’t forget to wear a scarf or mask outdoors! This will be very important for your protection). IMPORTANT: If your digestive lining has been compromised, you will be far more prone to infections and metal poisoning, or any kind of toxicity, than most people. Make sure you seal up the gut lining, if compromised. You can read about Leaky Gut Syndrome here:http://survivingthemiddleclasscrash.wordpress.com/2010/03/03/leaky-gut-syndrome-or-digestive-permeability/
4) Strengthen your immune system, which should not tolerate long-term infections or illnesses unless it has been broken down to begin with. (The onslaught of mixed heavy metals with noxious microbes is very likely enough to break it down).
5) If actually poisoned by chemtrail sprays, ask your doctor to test and balance your hormones as necessary. NOTE: If your thyroid is low, you will possibly be prone to increased risk of infections, colds and flus. If your adrenals are low, you will be more prone to stress and inflammations, with lowered immunity in general. You could also be at increased hormone-driven cancer risk if DHEA levels are low.
6) Eat as many organic or pesticide-free, hormone-free, antibiotic-free and GMO-free products as you possibly can afford. (Trader Joes and the farmer’s markets offer less-expensive choices). If there is chemtrail spraying in your area, your liver is bound to be overwhelmed by the task of detoxifying the heavy metals, plus the toxins secreted by the various microbes. To give your liver and kidneys a break from any undue burden, is to free them up for the enormous task at hand, to detoxify this noxious mix of products. Use non-toxic household cleansers wherever possible, and do everything you can to reduce the load of chemicals coming in to your body.
7) Ask your doctor if you have any known health concerns, to be sure that there is no contra-indication before proceeding with an heavy metal detoxification, but also with detoxification of any kind. Make sure to ask about drug/herb/nutrient interactions, you would be surprised at how often these can occur. Make sure your doctor approves the protocol here, as well as the herbs and supplements.
8) I do *not* recommend heavy metal detoxification where digestive mucosa has been compromised, as in Leaky Gut Syndrome, Candida albicans infections or untreated Celiac disease. Instead, I strongly recommend rebuilding the gut lining first, prior to proceeding. If you have any known medical condition, or any liver or kidney issues, talk with your doctor prior to doing any heavy metal detoxification program.
If barium and aluminum are part of the chemtrail’s components, then obviously it is important to support your body against inhaled or ingested heavy metals:
Vitamin C is helpful in buffering heavy metals, plus it raises glutathione levels in the liver, according to Linda Rector Page ND. To accompany this with apple pectin in capsule form would be helpful too, since this binds with and removes heavy metals that are in the gut (but does not pull it out of the cells, per se. It’s very important to remove the metals from the digestive tract, terribly important in fact to prevent reuptake and protect immune integrity). Cilantro is a helpful aid in metal detoxifying, as are sea greens of almost any kind. Take these supplements, eat a lot of apples, garlic, cilantro, onions, sea vegetables and miso, and you will be assisting your body’s heavy metals screening process.
Make sure you are having at least two bowel movements daily. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, heavy metals are contained in stool material, and can be reabsorbed if the stool matter hangs around for too long prior to elimination. Do occasional enemas to clear the colon of impacted waste that causes heavy metal reuptake, plus putrefaction and toxicity-related diseases as stagnant bowel wastes escape into the blood, writes Dr. Linda Rector Page. (Note: Your body can become dependent on enemas, so only do this on occasion and not at regular intervals).
But the above is for dietary “beefing up” so to speak, not for actual heavy metal detoxification. For the latter, I recommend only one product: Metalloclear by Metagenics (available at Vitacost for a substantial discount: www.vitacost.com ). This has a gentle action which boosts your liver’s own glutathione, a sulfur-like detoxifying fluid, that helps to break down heavy metals (among other things). In this way, by acting gently yet working with the liver, this product reduces the chances of heavy metals injuring your system anew as they are chelated out of the body. (Note that any product which cleanses heavy metals too quickly, can be a source of health injury instead of healthy detoxication. There is never a guarantee by the way, but this product also is a lot safer than many that I know of, at least in my opinion. Because going slowly is key with metal detoxifying, I absolutely do not recommend taking this product alongside any of the other metal-buffering supplements or herbs mentioned anywhere in this article. Use this product separately). Dr Page warns: Never fast or drink solely liquids when doing heavy metal detoxification. You need the fiber to absorb some of the toxins and metals in order to protect your body. Eat lots of brown rice and vegetables to assist detoxifying, especially of heavy metals. Some of this should be raw vegetable material, such as salad. Liquids can be used to flush out waste, but food and fiber are musts when cleansing metals. Be sure to ask for your physician’s supervision when attempting any heavy metal cleanse, to make sure all is going safely and smoothly.
For extra immune support, prior to actual infection
Vitamin D3 was said by a panel of six physicians at a lecture I attended, to “act like a firewall” against the immune system. It calms down the over-active immune system while activating the tired one, they said. This can be useful against many types of bacteria and viruses. Use only the D3 cholecalciferol version (not D2 ergocalciferol). Biotics Research makes an excipient-free, hypoallergenic product in a natural sesame oil and acacia base, called Bio-D-Mulsion Forte: www.amazon.com/Biotics…Bio-D-Mulsion-Forte…/B000UQOCCQ (do not exceed recommended dose without your doctor’s supervision. Vitamin D can help to strengthen bones and teeth, but excessively high doses can swing too far and calcify the kidneys, according to the physician panelists in the lecture I attended. It’s beneficial in smaller amounts but not in larger portions. Balance is everything with supplements and herbs. According to Earl Mindells Vitamin Bible of the 21st Century, 20,000 iu or more are considered toxic, but it’s almost never administered in such high doses. Ask your doctor for the best dosage suited to your own case).
Rainbow Light’s Deep Defense product is formulated to strengthen immune reserves and to rejuvenate a stressed-out body:
If you are actually exposed to chemtrail spray and become virally/bacterially infected:
See a naturopathic or integrative physician. The following information is only for educational purposes, based on which you can ask questions of your physician.
(Caution: Echinacea is contra-indicated in auto-immune disease such as, but not limited to lupus, some forms of arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. The same holds true for astragalus and some forms of auto-immunity: Avoid).
Echinacea plus goldenseal as extract (much stronger than the dried herb). Echinacea is an excellent lymphatic cleanser, and goldenseal soothes the mucosal linings. Both have antiviral and antibacterial action, especially together. Use most Echinacea products for ten days, then take a one-week break prior to proceeding again (Exception: Those with low levels of Echinacea, as background herb. Auto-immune patients must avoid Echinacea altogether, regardless of dosage).
See Herb Pharm’s product called Virattack (this will be helpful with viruses and bacterial infections, alike. Contains Echinacea, do not use in auto-immune attack). Available at a deep discount from Vitacost:http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ss=1&.x=11&.y=8&Ntk=products&Ntt=virattack
If you cannot take Echinacea, try pairing up the Bio D-Mulsion Forte together with Elderberry Extract (Gaia and Herb Pharm are excellent brands). Take the elderberry in moderate doses for the moderate-term, but not long-term. Use vitamin D ongoing, with your doctor’s approval and according to his/her dosage recommendations.
Chamomile tea steam: To keep the lungs clear and offer anti-inflammatory action is a small piece of the protective strategy, because the mucosal linings of the lungs are a part of the immune mucosal barrier.
Prepare a pot of chamomile tea. Remove from the stove, place on a trivet on a table top. Sit down, and drape a towel over your head and the pot, to form a tent which catches the steam. Inhale the tolerably warm steam, preferably through your nose, to your comfort level (five to ten minutes). Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory bisabolol, and is just mildly anti-microbial, helps to clear the lungs and is a gentle tonic. This is a good adjunct therapy for lung infections, but also for aiding in clearing your lungs. (It may not be able to remove all of the chemicals and metals from your lungs coming from chemtrails, but can assist).
Caution: Use tolerably warm steam but not hot enough to burn your face, or it can burn your nasal passages, bronchial airways and lungs too. Rinse off with cold water and pat your skin dry, do not rub with the towel because your pores will be open and sensitive after steaming.
For lung infections: See your physician
Gaia Herbs’s Respiratory Defense (most important keystone, excellent) plus chamomile tea steam, above.
As adjunct:
Mullein tea mixed with marshmallow root and fenugreek can help to reduce excess mucus. Drink the prepared tea. Very soothing to digestive mucosal linings too.
Ginger compress: Grate fresh ginger root and add hot water. Put on a cloth, place on the chest with ginger directly in contact with the skin. Leave on for no more than fifteen minutes to loosen phlegm. Wipe the skin with olive oil after removing the compress. CAUTION: Do not leave a person with a ginger compress unattended. The skin can burn if left on for too long, and if the person falls asleep, the skin can actually blister. Let the skin turn a healthy pink, but not an unhealthy red.
For asthma: See your physician
Gaia Herbs’s Breathe Naturally or Herb Pharm’s Calm Breath. See also Amla Fruit, below for adjunct support alongside the herbs.
For digestive disturbances:
Mullein, fennel, marshmallow root tea plus added peppermint leaf to soothe irritated digestive lining.
Chamomile and mint tea, together for stomach flu or aches. Honey has mild antimicrobial action and can help to counteract nausea (avoid with diabetes or hypoglycemia).
Ginger and lavender help nausea, mix with mint for pleasing flavor and to break up digestive gas.
If you have Leaky Gut Syndrome, consider the use of L-Glutamine and Gamma Oryzanol (from rice bran oil) to rebuild the gut lining. Use the marshmallow root tea above to soothe the inflamed digestive mucosa.
Digestive PH is important to breaking down unfriendly bacteria and viruses: If your PH is too low, use apple cider vinegar daily (a couple of teaspoons or tablespoons in a glass of water, to tolerance. Think also of salad dressing). Lemon is in itself acidic, but actually alkalizes the system once ingested. Unfriendly bacteria and viruses require an alkaline environment for their survival, and most will not survive the stomach acids if strong enough. Keeping your PH balanced is an important part of your defense.
For nose bleeds:
Quercitin, one of the bioflavonoids, strengthens capillary vessels. Often sold paired up with nettle leaves, an excellent choice because this checks histamine secretions and thus mitigates allergic reactions (helpful with asthma as adjunct support). Additionally, nettles deeply support the kidneys, which will need extra assistance during this time. For capillary strength, you could also try the Ayurvedic Amla fruit, which according to Dr Rector Page is “one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C and bioflavonoids; each amla fruit contains up to 700 mg of vitamin C. Amla is revered for its anti-aging, immune enhancing properties. It has been used since ancient times for anemia, asthma, bleeding gums, diabetes, colds, chronic lung disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, yeast infections, scurvy and cancer. Studies show that amla protects against chromosome damage from heavy metal exposure”. (Please note that for cancer, asthma and other serious matters, it is not one herb acting alone which will do the whole trick. A combination of elements will be necessary, under a naturopathic or integrative physician’s guidance). You can purchase Amla Fruit by the excellent Paradise Herbs company at a discount from Vitacost or iherbs.com: www.vitacost.com/Paradise-Herbs-Amla
Ginkgo, hawthorn and horse chestnut also benefit capillary strength and elasticity. For nose bleeds, use these as backups to the quercitin or amla.
For liver support to cleanse heavy metals:
Dr. Rector-Page writes that “Lipoic Acid is a potent promoter of glutathione, and an important co-factor in energy metabolism, especially during stress conditions. It also increases the effectiveness of other antioxidants, like vitamins C and E. Lipoic acid is one of the most potent liver detoxifiers ever discovered”.
Chlorella has actually been used by the army to mitigate chemical warfare, writes Dr Page. She also writes that “chlorella strengthens the liver, the body’s major detoxifying organ, to rid you of infective agents. Chlorella eliminates heavy metals, like lead, mercury, copper and cadmium” (almost all of which are ingredients in dental “Silver” amalgam fillings). One physician I know personally, cautioned that chlorella “will grab onto the good stuff too, so don’t take it with other herbs or medication. Instead, administer it separately, several hours after taking the medication or herbs” (or supplements). Further information about chlorella and scientific findings, mechanism of action here: www.JonBarron.org
Milk thistle would usually be associated with chemical detoxifying more than with heavy metals, but would also be extremely useful as extra support in this situation. It helps the liver to build new liver tissue, and its constituents are believed to bind with receptor sites to block chemical uptake, thereby protecting the body from toxicity. A liver protectant, also has some adrenal gland supporting functions. Caution: Do not mix milk thistle with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, the herb potentiates the uptake of both regimens and can put you at risk of drug toxicity. In fact, do not mix any of the instructions here with any cancer therapy. See your doctor. This is very important, for your own well-being.
Schizandra is a Chinese herb which has liver protectant functions, supports the adrenal glands (involved in anti-inflammatory responses) and the immune system, each alike.
Burdock, artichoke and dandelion root are helpful adjuncts alongside milk thistle or schizandra for liver support and detoxification. Bupleurum is a Chinese herb that regulates energy flow through the liver, stabilizing liver function and aiding cleansing. Helpful with mood swings.
It’s okay and even optimal to mix the above herbs as a liver-supportive formula. Many commercially-prepared herbal formulas contain a mix of several herbs above. I like GAIA Herb’s Milk Thistle Yellow Dock.
Build up your mucosal linings, or the linings of your organs (digestive, lungs, nasal and bronchial passages, and more) and which are part of your immune system’s first shield. See note above about Leaky Gut Syndrome, if you have compromised digestive linings then you will be especially vulnerable. Take care of a leaky gut, if present, as your very first line of defense):
Essential fatty acids (EFA’s) strengthen the walls of fatty tissue such as in the brain and spinal cord, also assisting the screening of foreign matter from the cells. Fish oils, evening primrose, flax seed or borage oil would be excellent choices. Vitamin E can assist too, but start at a low dose and creep it up gradually, to avoid any raising of blood pressure. Ask your doctor about taking vitamin E if you already have high blood pressure. Use as adjunct alongside the EFA’s.
Vitamin C and bioflavonoids build collagen, the cement that binds cellular material together. This plays a role in mucosal barriers as well. Bioflavonoids also have some anti-viral activity.
Support your kidneys:
Dandelion leaf plus nettles will be gently diuretic and kidney-strengthening, while replacing some of the potassium excreted in the urine and building up the body’s mineral reserve.
If kidneys are painful or sore, see your doctor. Use a chamomile compress on your back. For cysts, see your physician. Use a warm castor oil pack topically, but not for long-term repeated use.
For nerve health:
St Johnswort oil (different constituents than the tincture) is a superb topical nervous system anti-inflammatory. Coconut oil mixed with St Johnswort oil (apply topically) can be very soothing to inflamed, tingling or irritated nerves. Mix St Johnswort Oil with homeopathic Traumeel Oil for often very good results, apply topically as massage oil. Homeopathic Avena Sativa (wild oats) can be calming, and homeopathic Hypericum Perforatum (From St Johnswort) is specifically used for nerve injuries. Heavy metals will likely damage nerves: Make sure to safely and slowly detoxify metals for nerve health. Building liver health will be key too, Traditional Chinese Medicine has traced a connection between the nervous system and the liver. Eat oats daily, if you are not gluten intolerant: They can gradually and gently build up nerve health over time.
Last but not least, let me hereby offer a few thoughts to stop chemtrail spraying in the first place. Class action lawsuits may be most effective, to hit the pocketbook is where it counts most. The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is a basic Constitutional right (once upon a time, and we have to restore it).
Those who approve such chemtrail spraying, must immediately be unseated from public office or their other positions of authority, and frankly be locked up. Expose their misdeeds with the power of the pen, and urge people to get involved in unseating this person abusing their position of power. Murdering one’s own people is treason.
Also, let me be very bold and say truly and from the core of conviction, that by U.S. law, anybody who poses a physical threat to Self or Others, must be held against his/her own will in psychiatric hospitals. The hospitals cannot hold psychotic delusionals or anybody else against their will. But anybody who poses a threat of physical harm to anybody, must be held by law.
I wouldn’t think they could lock You up as The Kook for saying such a thing, if you were in a class action group of people alleging such insanity among our high-ranking officials. But of course, you never know.
(I am not an attorney, and do not know how binding this matter would be on a legal level).
Let me also close on a note of hope. According to the reference book, “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide”, “Metals that have no safe amount in the human system, may accumulate within the body (fat cells, central nervous system,bones, brain, glands, and hair) and may have negative health effects. Any level of these toxic metals is not normal. The levels usually need to rise above the established safety ranges to actually manifest in health problems. However, there is individual variation, and high normal levels may aggravate one person and not another”.
So if you keep your immune system healthy and routinely detoxify in a safe and gentle way, you may have a much better chance of tolerating the toxic exposure.
Source of Article: http://www.pakalertpress.com/2013/01/25/how-to-protect-yourself-from-chemtrail-poisoning/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+pakalert+%28Pak+Alert+Press%29