Comet ISON and Benjhazi (updating as info comes in) WHERE IS ISON?.... CLICK HERE
Positive ACTION, Power, Energy and Frequency - Please Help in Heart L.O.V.E. and MuchMuch Heart Compassion and Pass It On! THANK YOU x0x0x0x0
It is Commanded GOD Protect Along with Divine Intervention ALL U.S. Embassies, Embassies Personnel (Past and Present), Benjhazi Documentation (Past and Present), Benjhazi Survivors, Major Gen. Abdul Fattah al Sisi and May All Evil In Relations to Benghazi Be Exposed and Judgement Come Swiftly. It Is Done. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It is Commanded GOD Protect Along with Divine Intervention and Heal the SUN from ALL Evil and May Parties BE Exposed and Judgement Come Swiftly. It Is Done. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It is Commanded GOD Protect Along with Divine Intervention and Heal the EARTH from ALL Evil and May Parties BE Exposed and Judgement Come Swiftly. It Is Done. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It is Commanded GOD Along with Divine Intervention Completely Heal Fukushima in Japan, All the Earth that Has Been Contaminated and the Louisiana Salt Dome a/k/a Louisiana Sink Hole. It Is Done. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.