Physician conducting research on COVID-19 with contributions including the first widely disseminated paper on chloroquine in treatment of COVID-19 in "An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19)", and the first detailed exposé on Surgisphere and the Lancet study retraction in "A study out of thin air."
Dr James Todaro Speaks About His Paper on Hydroxychloroquine Being Arbitrarily Removed by Google
Dr. James Todaro speaks about his encounter with social media censorship, showcasing how Google removed his paper on Hydroxychloroquine for “violating its terms of service.” He says that “in just a matter of weeks, some of our most fundamental rights have been taken away.”
Paper: effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine
The paper in question REDACTED. CLICK HERE to Read
A Study Out of Thin Air
by James M Todaro, MD (Columbia MD, @JamesTodaroMD)
by James M Todaro, MD (Columbia MD, @JamesTodaroMD)
Dr. James Todaro: Google and YouTube Censored Paper Outlining Evidence of HCQ Treating COVID-19 for "Violating Terms of Service">By R.C.
Mon, Jul 27, 2020 8:22 p.m.
Dr. James Todaro: Google and YouTube Censored Paper Outlining Evidence of HCQ Treating COVID-19 for "Violating Terms of Service"
R.C.: Why wouldn’t Google censor the paper?
DARPA funded Google.
This makes Google an extension of the State, Deep or not.
Google's drive into robotics should concern us all | Google | The Guardian
You may not have noticed it, but over the past year Google has bought eight robotics companies. Its most recent acquisition is an outfit called Boston Dynamics, which makes the nearest thing to a ...
Skynet lives.
Google got its start with DARPA funding. And its Motorola division developed the Moto X phone with the aid of former DARPA researchers.
Eric Schmidt of Google was a big backer of Obama's campaign. He is a networking expert, thanks to his years at Novell.
The military can now plug its robots directly into the Matrix (a.k.a. Google's phone and data network). And the military will know your every move thanks to your use of Google's Android operating system, and Google's search engine.
Robot wars?
Wait till there is civil unrest on a vast scale in this country.
Dr. James Todaro: Google and YouTube Censored Paper Outlining Evidence of HCQ Treating COVID-19 for "Violating Terms of Service">By R.C.
Mon, Jul 27, 2020 8:22 p.m.
Dr. James Todaro: Google and YouTube Censored Paper Outlining Evidence of HCQ Treating COVID-19 for "Violating Terms of Service"
R.C.: Why wouldn’t Google censor the paper?
DARPA funded Google.
This makes Google an extension of the State, Deep or not.
Google's drive into robotics should concern us all | Google | The Guardian
You may not have noticed it, but over the past year Google has bought eight robotics companies. Its most recent acquisition is an outfit called Boston Dynamics, which makes the nearest thing to a ...
Skynet lives.
Google got its start with DARPA funding. And its Motorola division developed the Moto X phone with the aid of former DARPA researchers.
Eric Schmidt of Google was a big backer of Obama's campaign. He is a networking expert, thanks to his years at Novell.
The military can now plug its robots directly into the Matrix (a.k.a. Google's phone and data network). And the military will know your every move thanks to your use of Google's Android operating system, and Google's search engine.
Robot wars?
Wait till there is civil unrest on a vast scale in this country.